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We are here to put you mind at ease. If you’re a new client to Boo Pet Groomers, you may have a few questions about how the grooming process works. We invite you to take a few moments to browse through our frequently asked questions below. Should you not find the answer to a specific question please feel free to contact us.
Why should I bathe or shower my pet ?Cleanse the pet’s coat and skin of dirt and grime. Eradicate foul odor Upgrade the quality of your pet’s skin and fur coat through.
How often do I have to bathe my pet?Most dog owners suggest a dog should be bathed more frequently, preferably once a week or every two weeks. If your dog plays outside a lot and rolls around in things he shouldn't, then you will need to bathe him more often! Moreover, this is also if he is groomed and brushed regular, as brushing will keep his coat in good condition between baths, as well as keeping his coat from matting and tangling.
Do I need to brush my long-haired dog's coat?Brushing a long-haired dog's fur can seem like a chore, but if you put it off, he risks getting mats or tangles, which can be painful. Recommends brushing or combing a long-haired dog's fur at least every other day.
My dog's hair is knotted. Do I need to cut the hair short?If the hair is allowed to knot or develop “matts”, this is unhealthy for the dog’s skin. Matting gets worse if the coat gets wet. Before washing the dog, it is necessary to brush out all the knots. If the hair is matted, it may be possible to “de matt” the coat. Unfortunately, this can be painful. In some cases, de-matting may cause or reveal skin irritation. If your dog is matted, we will advise you what can be done. If the hair can be de-matted without causing pain to the dog, it may be possible to save the coat. If the hair can be de-matted, there may be an additional cost. Otherwise, we may recommend cutting the hair short. If the hair is matted, we recommend meeting with one of our groomers beforehand so we can discuss your options.
Why does my dog have bad breath?The most common causes of bad breath in dogs are bad oral hygiene and periodontal disease. If your dog is not a chewer and you do not regularly brush his teeth or have his teeth cleaned, then the most likely cause of his bad breath is plaque build-up. Over time, poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease.
How can I prevent my dog from having bad breath?The simplest way to prevent bad dog breath is to brush your dog’s teeth on a regular basis. Teeth brushing reduces plaque and promotes better oral hygiene. Providing your dog with plenty of chew toys helps them take care of their teeth naturally. Chewing prevents plaque and tartar build-up and relieves boredom, keeping your dog healthy and happy. Just make sure you select chew toys appropriate for your dog’s size and age. Feeding your dog a quality, balanced diet, providing them with plenty of exercise and taking them to the veterinarian for regular check-ups can help prevent systemic disorders like diabetes. Plus, keeping your dog healthy helps avoid a host of other health problems, and can help your veterinarian pick up on the underlying cause of your dog’s bad breath before it gets too bad.
What is anal gland care?Every dog has a pair of anal glands situated under the skin at each side of the opening to the rectum at about five and seven o’clock positions. Each glands and sac opens into the anal area through small duct. It’s easy to locate these pear-shaped sacs externally (especially if they are filled ) by placing your thumb on one side of the anal opening and your index finger on the other side. Unfortunately the anal sacs can, on occasion, cause a variety of serious and painful problems. When the anal glands become clogged, they must be emptied by squeezing them to discharged the accumulation inside. Expressing the anals is not a pleasant job, but it must be done to prevent further infection and serous medical problems.
What are ear mites?Otodectes cynotis mites, commonly called ear mites, are a common parasitic infection that can affect your dog. Symptoms typically include some combination of: Scratching around the ears, head, and neck Head shaking Discharge from the ears that can be dark and waxy and sometimes resemble coffee grounds A foul odor from the ears If you suspect that your dog might have ear mites, here are the next steps you should take to ensure a quick recovery.
What are the benefits of dog grooming?Regular grooming services offer a number of great benefits to your pet: It promotes the health of the dog's skin, coat, teeth, and every other part of their body. It lets a professional get to know your dog's body so that they can see and feel any changes and find health problems early on. It lowers you dog's stress levels and reduces their blood pressure.
How often should I groom my dog?We recommend having your dog groomed every 4-8 weeks depending on breed and coat type. Daily brushing and combing is recommended between grooms in order to keep your pet’s skin and coat in optimal health.
When should my puppy come in for its first groom?It’s important to have your puppy groomed as soon as possible so they can get used to and learn to love the grooming experience. We recommend they come in two weeks after their last set of vaccinations. During their first visit your puppy will be introduced in a relaxed and fun way to the sights, sounds and smells of the grooming salon ensuring that future visits are stress free.
How long does the grooming take?When you arrange an appointment with us, you are provided with a dedicated pet groomer that will discuss your pets grooming requirements and in over 95% of the time will complete the grooming process in 3hours or less, providing your pet with a positive grooming experience in a modern and spacious facility.
Can I stay and watch while you groom my pet?As your pooch loves you very much they will wiggle and move around trying to get close to you which is not safe while we are grooming. It is best to drop off your pooch at their scheduled appointment time, and then come back when the treatment is finished. We are very happy to show our customers around the Spa so they can see where their pooch will have their treatment. Also please feel free to give us a call any time during the treatment to find out how your pooch is doing.

If you have a question that is not covered by the FAQ please feel free to
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